Navigating Social Security Decisions 

Understanding all the rules behind Social Security retirement benefits can be a difficult and daunting task.
The optimal time to collect varies by individual and is dependent on the benefits to which you (and your spouse) are entitled, when you plan to stop working and what other assets or retirement income streams you have.
Here are a few items to consider to help you get started: 

Social Security can provide you, your spouse, and other eligible members of your family with benefits:

You can start your Social Security retirement benefits as early as age 62 or as late as age 70. Your monthly benefit amount will be different depending on the age you start receiving it.



All Benefit Calculators from Social Security Administration

Benefit Calculators: test different retirement ages or future earnings amounts

Your Full Retirement Age

Estimate Your Life Expectancy

Estimate Your Social Security Retirement Benefits

Income Taxes and Your Social Security Benefits 


Some Useful Info




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